Professor of Marine Geology and Geophysics
Note: Links to cruises that are in the NGDC data base are to GeoMapApp from which the ship track data can be displayed and downloaded. Other cruise links are to a GMT file of the ship track data.
1967 RRS John Murray cruise to the Iceland-Faeroes Ridge. Seismic reflection profiling (Sparker), bathymetry, gravity and magnetics.
1967 RRS John Murray cruise to the Iceland-Faeroes Ridge. Seismic reflection profiling (Sparker), bathymetry, gravity and magnetics.
1968 RRS John Murray cruise to the continental margin shelf and slope of Scotland, the Wyville-Thompson Ridge and the Faeroes-Shetland channel. Seismic reflection profiling (Sparker), bathymetry, gravity and magnetics.
1968 RRS John Murray cruise to the continental margin shelf and slope of Scotland, the Wyville-Thompson Ridge and the Faeroes-Shetland channel. Seismic reflection profiling (Sparker), bathymetry, gravity and magnetics.
1969 M/V Arran Firth cruise to the Faeroes- Scotland region. Seismic refraction profiling of the east Faeroes Platform and West Shetland basins.
1970 RRS John Murray cruise to the Iceland-Faeroes Rise, NE Atlantic. Seismic reflection profiling (Sparker), bathymetry, gravity and magnetics.
1971 CSS Hudson cruise to the Gulf of Maine, Bay of Fundy and the continental margin offshore Nova Scotia. Seismic reflection profiling, bathymetry, gravity, magnetics, piston coring and dredging. (Collaborators: L. King, B. McClean)
1973 R/V Vema cruise (V3011) to the southern Barents Sea, Spitsbergen region and the Norwegian continental margin. Seismic reflection and refraction (Ocean Bottom Seismometers) profiling, bathymetry, gravity, magnetics and piston coring over the Barents Sea margin, Voring Plateau and Senja Fracture Zone. (Collaborators: M. Talwani, O. Eldholm)
1973 R/V Vema cruise (V3012) to the northern North Sea, the continental shelf north of Scotland, the Hatton-Rockall Bank and the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone. Seismic reflection profiling, bathymetry, gravity, magnetics, piston coring and dredging west of Shetlands and on Rockall Plateau. (Collaborator: M. Talwani)
1975 R/V Vema cruise (V3215) to the South Fiji basin, Lord Howe Rise, and Tasman Sea. Seismic reflection profiling, bathymetry, gravity and magnetics. (Collaborator: J.K. Weissel)
1977 R/V Vema cruise (V3314) to the Coral Sea, Queensland Plateau, Three Kings Rise, South Fiji basin and New Hebrides basin. Seismic reflection profiling, bathymetry, gravity, heat flow and magnetics. (Collaborator: J.K. Weissel)
1979 R/V Vema cruise (V3602) to the Louisville Ridge and Eltanin Fracture Zone system. Seismic reflection profiling, bathymetry, gravity, heat flow, magnetics, piston coring and dredging. (Collaborators: F.J. Davy, R. L. Larson, J. K. Weissel)
1982 R/V Robert D. Conrad cruise (C1711) to the Phillipine Sea. Seismic reflection profiling, bathymetry, heat flow, gravity, magnetics, piston coring and dredging in the Shikoku basin, Mariana trough and West Phillipine Basin.
1982 D/V Glomar Challenger cruise (ggl95) to the continental margin offshore New Jersey. Rotary drilling and hydraulic piston coring of Late Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments in the shelf and rise. Seismic reflection profiling, bathymetry, and magnetics. (Collaborators: W. Poag and Leg 95 Scientific Party)
1982 R/V Robert D. Conrad cruise (C2308) to the Hawaiian Islands. Multichannel seismic reflection profiling, two-ship seismic refraction profiling (Expanding Spread Profiles), two-ship constant offset seismic reflection profiling (Constant Offset profiles), bathymetry, gravity and magnetics over the Hawaiian Ridge between Oahu and Molokai and Oahu and Kauai and flanking flexural moat and arch. (Collaborators: T. Brocher, P. Buhl, J. Diebold, J. Mutter). segy stacks of selected profiles: Seismic data. Cruise Report. Photo: Scientific Party.
1988 R/V Robert D. Conrad cruise (C2911) to the western Mediterranean Sea. Multichannel seismic reflection profiling, two- ship seismic refraction profiling (Expanding Spread Profiles), bathymetry, gravity and magnetics over extended continental crust in the Valencia Trough and Alboran Sea. (Collaborators: P. Buhl, L. Montadert, B. Pinet, A. Mauffret). Cruise report
1991/92 RRS Charles Darwin cruise (CD64) to the Alboran Sea and the European/African plate boundary in the region of Gorringe Bank and the Gloria fault. GLORIA side-scan sonar, Seismic reflection profiling, bathymetry, gravity and magnetics (Collaborator: G.K. Westbrook). Cruise report
1993 RRS Charles Darwin cruise (CD82) to the Canary Islands. Multichannel seismic reflection profiling, seismic refraction profiling using Ocean Bottom Seismometers and land recording stations, SIMRAD swath bathymetry, gravity and magnetic study of the structure of the crust and upper mantle in the region of Tenerife (Collaborators: C. Peirce, J. Collier, T. Henstock, J. Danobeitia). Cruise report
1997 RRS Charles Darwin cruise (CD108) to the Canary Islands. Seismic reflection profiling, SIMRAD swath bathymetry, deep-tow TOBI side-scan sonar, gravity and magnetic study of landsliding processes in the region of Tenerife, Hierro, La Palma and La Gomera (Collaborators: D.G. Masson, N. Mitchell). Cruise report
2003 RRS Discovery cruise (D275) to the rifted continental margin offshore NE Brazil. Seismic refraction profiling using Ocean Bottom Seismometers and land recording stations, Seismic reflection profiling, bathymetry, gravity and magnetic study of the deep structure of the margin in the region of the Amazon Cone (Collaborators: C. Peirce, J. Berrocal, R. Hobbs). Cruise report Photo: Scientific Party
2008 MV SONNE cruise (SO195b) to the intersection of the Louisville Ridge with the Tonga-Kermedec trench in the SW Pacific. Seismic refraction profiling using Ocean Bottom Seismometers, Seismic reflection profiling, heat flow, swath bathymetry, gravity and magnetic study of the deep structure of the Louisville Ridge, Tonga-Kermadec forearc, and subducting Pacific plate (Collaborators: I. Grevemeyer, E. Flueh, C. Peirce, and project TOTAL team). Cruise Report. Photo: Scientific Party
2011 MV SONNE cruise (SO215) to the intersection of the Louisville Ridge with the Tonga-Kermedec trench in the SW Pacific. Seismic refraction profiling using Ocean Bottom Seismometers, Seismic reflection profiling, swath bathymetry, gravity and magnetic study of the deep structure of the Louisville Ridge, Tonga-Kermadec forearc, and subducting Pacific plate (Collaborators: C. Pierce, M. Pauletto, W. Stratford, I. Grevemeyer). Cruise Report.
2018 MV Marcus G. Langseth cruise (MGL1806) to the Hawaiian Ridge in the C Pacific. Seismic refraction profiling using Ocean Bottom Seismometers, Seismic reflection profiling, swath bathymetry, gravity and magnetic study of the deep structure of the Hawaiian Islands in the vicinity of Oahu and Hawaii (Collaborators: D. Shillington, R. Dunn, G. Ito, P. Wessel, U. ten Brink, N. Miller).
2019 MV Marcus G. Langseth cruise (MGL1902) to the Emperor Seamounts in the NW Pacific. Seismic refraction profiling using Ocean Bottom Seismometers, Seismic reflection profiling, swath bathymetry, gravity and magnetic study of the deep structure of the Emperor Seamounts in the vicinity of Jimmu and Suiko guyots (Collaborators: D. Shillington, R. Dunn, I. Grevemeyer, G. Ito, P. Wessel, U. ten Brink, N. Miller).